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YRFaq Extension for Joomla

This category covers the documentation and useful guides of YRFaq extension for Joomla.

Review of the YRFaq Component
Visits: 268

YRFaq is a component for Joomla 2.5 and Joomla 3.x that helps you to manage your FAQ area (frequently asked questions) in simple and elegant way. YRFaq was projected to support infinite number of categories and articles of FAQ, with the latest integrated tools of the same component. YRFaq provides you with everything required to manage your Frequently Asked Questions Area, offering your customers pleasant navigation from one article to another thanks to JQuery Framework.

YRFaq is compatible with multilanguage websites and it was translated in different languages including English. The YRFaq component is supplied with integrated search module and a form of sending of new questions from the front end, which permits your users to send new questions, the form of sending is protected by Recaptcha. The YRFaq component is compatible with SEF, pagination and breadcrumbs module of Joomla which guarantees your users easy navigation within YRFaq component.

How to install YRFaq
Visits: 169

Installation of the component occurs through the Joomla’s installer. First of all, you should download an extension, logging on the site and passing to Account > My download.

When the extension is downloaded, log in to the backend of your site, click on Extensions > Extensions Manager. On the page you will find the tool of Joomla to install extensions, so click on Browse and select the zip file of the downloaded component and then click Install. The following image shows the necessary steps.

How to create categories in YRFaq
Visits: 135

1. Before creating FAQ articles, you should create a category or categories. The creation of categories in YRFaq is similar to the creation of categories for Joomla articles. Log in to the backend of your site and click on the item of menu Components > YRFaq as shown in the following image.

2. After clicking on categories, you will open the page dedicated to categories of YRFaq, click the button new as shown in the image. 

3. Create a new category, writing the name of the category in the field title. The description of the category should be written in editor. If you want to place an image near the title, click on Options and browse or choose an image. To write meta description and keywords, click on Options metadata where you can write metadata of the category. If your site has different languages of visualization, we advise you to set up the language of the category. The option of language selection you can find on the page of category creation. 

How to create FAQ articles in YRFaq
Visits: 147

The creation of FAQ articles in YRFaq component is similar to the creation of articles in Joomla. To create FAQ articles log in to the backend of your site, then choose Components > YRFaq, as shown in the image.

You will be redirected to the page of managing of FAQ articles, then click on new to create a new FAQ article. 

You will be redirected to the page of managing of FAQ articles, then click on new to create a new FAQ article. The page of the creation of FAQ articles in YRFaq component is divided into 3 sections. The first one contains title field, where you write a title of the article, and below there is editor, where you can write a FAQ article in HTML format adding images. 

To the right of the editor there are some options of configuration that allow you: to set up an article to a category, to select an order, to set state, access, language, and to choose a creator of the article. We specify that the order is available after saving the article. 

Below the editor there are other options: Date of creation and hits (number of visualizations) of the article which augments after browsing the article by user. 

How to create an item of menu
Visits: 136

To create an item of menu that points the YRFaq component, log in to the backend of your site, open Menu > New item of menu. On the page of creation of item of menu click on Select, and find YRFaq in the popup window.

YRFaq component has 2 different items of menu: the first one is All the categories that shows all principal categories. The second one is Single Category, shows FAQ articles and sub categories of one single category. After choosing, for example Single category, you should indicate the title in menu and select a category from the list, as shown in the image. 

Global Configuration of a component
Visits: 195

Global Configuration of a component allows you to set global “Rules” of a component which are used from the items of menu, but only if parameters are set to “Global Use”. To personalize global parameters of a component, log in to backend and go to Components > YRFaq > Options, as shown in the image.

Global Configuration – Category Configuration
Visits: 113

Within the Options there are different sections where you can set global rules. The first one is Category Configuration which allows you to set the rules for a category.

  1. Select Style – you can choose a style of visualization.
  2. Title – choose whether to show the title of the category
  3. Category Description – choose whether to show the description of the category
  4. Image of the Category – choose whether to show the image of the category. If you select yes, the image will be on the title’s left
  5. Search module – choose whether to enable the integrated search module
  6. Empty Message – choose whether to show the message “There are no articles in the category”

Category Configuration:

Global Configuration – Sub Categories Configuration
Visits: 111

In the configuration of sub categories there are some options that allow you to configure visualization of sub categories of a category.

  1. Category Description – to show or not the description of sub categories.
  2. Select Style – you can choose a style of visualization.
  3. Image – to show or not the image which will be displayed on the left of the title
  4. Columns – select the number of columns
  5. Primary and secondary order

Sub Categories Configuration:

Global Configuration – FAQ Articles Configuration
Visits: 119

In the configuration of FAQ articles there are the options which permit to personalize the appearance of the articles.

  1. Show All – select whether to show or not the buttons Expand All and Hide All
  2. Show link – there is a tool in the body of the text which generates direct links to the article. Select to enable or disable this function
  3. Show HTML link – if it is set to show, a link is generated to HTML format
  4. Show link – if it is set to show, it is generated direct link
  5. Show the title in the text – choose whether to show the name of the article in the body of the text
  6. Date of creation, Hits, and creator
  7. Number of articles per page – select the number of articles to show on a page. It generates pagination
  8. Primary and secondary order

FAQ Articles Configuration:

Global Configuration – New Questions Configuration
Visits: 109

New Questions Configuration allows to choose whether to Enable or disable New Questions form, that can be used by your web visitors to send questions from the front end of your site.

The present configurations allow you to set a group which can send new questions, to enable or disable visualization of the button New Question to non authorized users. For example, if you set up that only authorized users can send questions, the button will be shown also to non authorizes users, but clicking the button they will be invited to log in and subscribe.

In the form of sending of new questions there is built-in Recaptcha. In the option Enable Recaptcha you can choose whether to enable or disable Recaptcha. If you enable it, we remind you to configure and enable the plugin of Joomla recaptcha entering the public and private key. The last option Captcha for Subscribed Users allows you to show or not recaptcha for subscribed users.

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