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This category of FAQ contain the documentation of YRVote Plugin for Joomla!

How to install YRVote
Visits: 116

To install YRVote, login in the Joomla backend and go in the System > Extensions (under "Install" tab) > Upload Package file > select file and Install

How to enable YRVote
Visits: 140

To enable YRVote go in the Joomla backend > System > Plugins,  in the seach box write yrvote ad enable

How to use YRVote as default Vote plugin
Visits: 164

You can set YRVote plugin as default vote plugin, for use it you must disable Joomla Vote Plugin and enable option "Show Votes"

1. To disable Joomla Vote Plugin, go in the System > Plugins, in the search box write vote and click search. After it, select Content - Vote and disable

2.Make sure that YRVote plugin is enabled and follow instructions of this FAQ with name "How to display YRVote in the article"

How to display YRVote in the article
Visits: 189

To display YRvote in article, you must write follow shortcode in any part of article


Other solutions are to turn it on in the article options and use it instead of Joomla vote plugin.

Some options you can find in the configuration of menu items. Parameters in the menu are identical of article except the activation which you can activate, deactivate or use the article parameter for YRVote.

Params of YRVote Plugin
Visits: 144

You can customize YRVote plugin by simple, go in the System > Plugins, in the search box write yrvote and click search.

YRVote Params is very simple to understand.

In your site you can find three points with parameters. In the plugin, in the menu and in the article. The prevalence of the parameters is the following.

  • If you customize parameters in the menu item, the menu parameters are used.
  • If the global parameters are set in the item of menu, a check is made for the presence of the parameters in article.
  • If parameters are set in the article, they are used. Otherwise the global parameters are used, those in the plugin settings
How to update YRVote
Visits: 38

To update YRVote you can use Joomla automatic update. To do this, insert your personal keys in the plugin parameters in the tab "Updates" and save the configuration. When the new version is released, Joomla notifies you of the availability of an update and you can update by clicking update.

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