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YRPrice Calculator

In this category are published guides and video tutorials for the YRPrice Calculator Component

10 steps to setup YRPrice Calculator
Visits: 47
  1. After installing the component, from the Joomla navigation menu go to Components > Yrprice Calculator > Overview

    Overview offers navigation and quick summary of daily, monthly and yearly sales

  2. Enable user registration in Joomla and activate terms of service
    To manage orders and customers, it is advisable to activate registration on the site. To activate the registration, login in your administrative panel > Users > Manage > Options > Allow users registration > set to YES
    • Activate captcha - It is recommended to activate the recaptcha plugin and activate it for user registration and contact
    • If you do not want to activate user registration - In Yrprice > Options > Tab User registration set to No.

    In Yrprice > Options > Registration tab Set also.
    • Your country code - For example IT or DE
    • Show other states - List of states during registration. If you set it to No, only the state you set in Your country code is displayed.
    • Enable Terms - Enable if you want to view terms of service. To edit the text go to YRPrice > Template and edit the terms of service template
  3. Configure payments in Yrprice Calculator > Options > Payments tab
    • Currency Code - Enter the currency code in iso format, e.g. EUR, USD.
    • PayPal - Click the activate button and enter the email address of your paypal business account. Please note that you must activate IPN in your PayPal account. Enable IPN in your PayPal account > Account Settings > Instant Payment Notifications > Update > Activate and enter your domain name.
    • Stripe - Click the activate button and enter the keys in the appropriate fields. Keys can be withdrawn from your Stripe account > Developers > API Keys
    • Bank Transfer - Click the activate button to activate this payment method. After activating, edit the "Offline payment" template by entering the data you want to view, also using the variables. Templates can be found in YRPrice > Templates
    • Test mode - For PayPal and Stripe in production mode you must set the PayPal test mode and Stripe Test Mode option to NO
  4. Set up VAT and currency
    YRPrice includes functions for VAT application for each individual state and VIES validation
    Go to YRPrice > Options > Currency/Tax
    • Currency symbol - Enter the currency symbol, such as € or $.
    • Enable taxation - Set to YES to enable taxation
    • Type of taxation - VAT included or excluded.
    • Vies validation - If you sell your products or services throughout Europe, activate the VAT validation option.
    • Your country VAT code - Enter your country code e.g. IT or DE which will be excluded from VIES validation.
    Set the VAT percentage in YRPrice > Tax Setup
    • Assign name
    • Select the state
    • Enter the percentage
  5. Edit Templates in Yrprice > Template

    Template is used in emails or to display text(terms of service, Bank Transfer payment). On the template page it's specified the action of each template. Then modify the templates with your own text, also using the variables that you find on the template modification page.
    In the YRprice options > Email tab, configure the emails that are sent to the customer and administrators.

  6. Create your quote in Yrprice > quotes

    To create the quote go in Yrprice > quotes > new. Every option on the quote creation page is documented

  7. Create the quote items in Yrprice > Items
    To make creation easier, we've integrated the documentation into the Docs tab found on the entry creation page

  8. Publish your quote
    Create a new menu item by selecting YRprice > Single quote > Select the name of your quote
  9. Before putting your quote online, Take the test purchase
    Configure PayPal Test Mode
    • Login to the Developer Dashboard PayPal site /tools/sandbox/accounts/ - Use your PayPal account credentials
    • In Developer Dashboard - Look for Sandbox Accounts and click.
    • In Sandbox Accounts - Create business accounts and create personal accounts. Fetch the passwords and emails of both accounts
    • Enable IPN in Sandbox Business Account - Login to PayPal Sandbox using the credentials of the business account you just created and proceed to Account Settings > Instant Payment Notifications > Update > Activate and enter your domain name
    • Enable test mode - Yrprice Calculator > Options > Payments tab > PayPal Test Mode set to yes
    • Enter paypal sanbox business account email address - In Yrprice Calculator > Options > Payments tab > PayPal > Email address
    • Proof of purchase with PayPal - To pay, use the email address and password of your personal sandbox account
    • Set the production mode - After making the test purchase with PayPal, set the production mode

    Configure Stripe Test Mode
    • In your stripe account - Set the mode to Test
    • Get Test Mode Keys - Developers > Api Keys
    • Enter test keys
    • Proof of purchase with Stripe - Get the card number you find on the following page
    • Set the production mode - After testing the purchase with Stripe enter your production keys
  10. Order and customer management
    • Order management - View and manage your orders YRprice > Orders
    • Customer management - View and manage your customers YRprice > Customers
Options and menu options
Visits: 16
  1. Opzions
    They are the global options where all the global parameters of the component are found

  2. Menu options
    These are menu options that affect only the menu item. The menu options are different according to the type of display

Navigation in YRPrice
Visits: 8
  1. Navigazione in YRPrice
    To navigate in YRPrice, log in to the administrative panel and continue in Components > YRPrice Calculator. This opens the sub-menu items that allow you to navigate between the YRPrice administrative pages or you can use the overview page to access a YRPrice page

Visits: 13
  1. Quotes (Components > YRPrice Calculator > Quotes)
    Quotes are to be considered the categories that host the entries in the estimate. The quote page allows you to create one or more quotes or modify one.
    1. To create - Click on the New
    2. button
    3. To modify - Click on the name of the quote
  2. Estimate Creation - Details Tab
    Creating the quote is a very easy procedure
    1. Title
    2. Aliases
    3. Short Description - A short description is used on the page for all estimates
    4. Full Description - Short description is used on the quote page
  3. More options
    On the quote creation page you will find other options that will only affect this quote.
Items of Quote
Visits: 13
  1. Quote items (Components > YRPrice Calculator > Items)
    These are the elements that are assigned to the estimate and which have prices and other useful options and differ in type. To each item you can assign other items that will be displayed (exception Checkbox with Image and Select with Image ) if the parent item has been selected
    1. Section - Group elements
    2. Default Checkbox - Active by default with no option to deactivate
    3. Checkbox
    4. Select
    5. Multi Select
    6. Date
    7. Date and time
    8. Checkbox with Image
    9. Select with Image
  2. The specifics of each item are not listed here. I invite you to consult the Docs tab where you can find the documentation for each selected item
Date conditions
Visits: 4
  1. Conditions for dates
    It is a tool that allows you to manage orders with dates or with dates and hours/minutes. By setting the condition, which connects to one or more items in the quote, it is possible to limit orders based on different types including.
  2. How it works
    By linking one or more elements of the quote items to the specific date conditions, the order process will check the existing orders with the same date condition and process the existing conditions. If the condition matches and exceeds the limit or set not to accept the order, a message will appear and the customer will not be able to order.
    Example 1
    You are a photographer and have an order placed with YRPrice for 12/21/2023 at 9am. you set the condition "Same date and time" and the execution limit 1. In the estimate you create an item of type "date and time" and link to the date condition by setting the time it takes to execute the job, for example 2 hours. If another customer of yours tries to order the service for 12/21/2023 by choosing the time between 9 in the morning and 11, she will not be able to carry out the order, the message you write in the condition is displayed.
    Example 2
    You do not work on Saturdays and Sundays. By creating the condition, your customer will not be able to place the order if he specifies the date which is Saturday or Sunday.
    Example 3
    You have scheduled holidays and creating the condition from day to day not to accept orders, your customers will not be able to execute the order if the date of their choice results in the condition.
  3. Types of condition (Yrprice > Date conditions > new)
    1. Same date
    2. Same date and time
    3. Some day
    4. Day of the week
    5. Date "from" "to"
    6. In the next few hours
    7. Coming days
    8. Past time
  4. Assign a date condition to a quote entry
    After creating a date condition you must assign it to an item in the quote. To do this, create a new quote item (Yrprice > Items > new) and select the type of date or date and time (as needed)

    1. Select the condition - From the drop-down menu select the date condition
    2. Select the hours - Select the hours which can be chosen by your customer during the order
    3. Minutes interval - Select minutes interval
    4. Time to complete - If your work is time based, you can indicate the time it takes you to do the work and in this case YRPrice can accurately calculate whether or not to accept orders based on the number of jobs per day you set, time taken to do a job, and jobs already scheduled
    5. *The options are different in the date entry and in the date and time entry
  5. Order management with date field and with date and time field
    Yrprice > order dates, displays orders with date field and with date and time field and allows you to modify or add a new order of type date or date and time.

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